Friday, August 29, 2008


The concept of youth really intrigues me. Here we are, teenagers. We are in the midst of our youth. We are young, and we are capable. We are still inexperienced with certain things, and we have much to learn still. One day we will lose are youth. We will grow older and wiser. Of course, we can still be youthful in mind.

It's just interesting to me how appearance and age is transient. It won't last forever. Physical beauty is temporary. One day, we are all going to grow old. We won't be teenagers forever. At this age, it feels like we won't actually get any older. We acknowledge things that we want to do or expect in the future, but it seems like high school is forever. It's not.

It's exciting, but at the same time, a bit overwhelming.

Let us enjoy our youth.

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