Friday, August 15, 2008

Lower Green House Emissions, Higher Food Prices

Recently, the U.S. has been producing corn for biofuel. One third of corn production int he United States is used for that purpose. As you may know, Europe has made the change to biofules. They use vegetable oil. Apparently, all this is causing a huge rise in food prices which has pushed 100m people below poverty level.

Brazil, on the other hand, uses sugarcane as a form of fuel, which does not have a dramatic impact. Now, one might ask, "Why don't we all just swich to sugarcane?". There are some very political answers to that question. I don't know if they are true or not, so I won't state them.

So, essentially, governments across Europe, and our own U.S. government are making changes to help the environment, but in return, our human race is affected tremendously in a negative way.

please educate yourself and form your own opinion:

click here

Debate, don't fight.

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