Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Current TV

I don't often watch television, but when I do, I try to remind myself to watch Current TV. I don't always succeed, but there is something different about Current. A large portion of the material broadcasted on Current is submitted by the viewers. It's a viewer's television channel. It's about getting your own opinions out there, and leaving them up for debate...exposing the world to affairs that aren't as well known, and of course those affairs that are. It's very educational, and it definitely makes you think.

I've come across some wonderful causes through Current.

Today is international Youth Day, and in honor of that, Current broadcasted eight podcasts showcasing what youth (which, according the UN, are individuals between the ages of 15-24) are doing to help make a difference in the world.

One of those podcasts included these musicians who go around to children's hospitals and sing to them, and other artists perform/showcase their own talents as well. It was very moving.

Another youth podcast was of this young guy who started a charity called "Charity Water". He sells bottles of water for $20 each, BUT 100% of the proceeds go towards helping provide clean water to people in Liberia. He raised $500,000 in 5 months, and has helped bring clean water to over 100,000 people. I think that's outstanding.

I will post more about these causes later. (links, names, etc)

current tv link

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