Sunday, January 18, 2009

Killer Looks.

Even though this has nothing to do with the realm of music, I still feel that this needs to be addressed because it affects the well-being of others.

read here.

"Did you know that the FDA doesn't regulate cosmetics? Did you know that one-third of the top 33 lipsticks contain more lead than the FDA conciders safe to ingest? How about that only 11% of the ingredients used in makeup and perfume (of which there are roughly 10,000) have been assessed for their safety to the human body by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, which is funded by the Personal Care Products Council which answers to the Office of Cosmetics and Colors which sends their information to (you guessed it) the FDA. And that manufacturers aren't obliged to stop using the ingredients the CIR finds unsafe? And that they HAVEN'T stopped using them?

Why hasn't anyone told us about this? Could it be because magazines are funded by the revenue from makeup and perfume ads?

There is mercury in our mascara, lead in our lipstick, carcinogens in our cosmetics.

So who's going to protect us?"

(above excerpt was taken from

Why am I not surprised that the FDA hasn't done anything about this yet?
I think this piece of information needs to be spread far and wide. Tell all of the women you know about this.

That's all.

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