Earlier this month, I received the "Dustin Gamble" EP in the mail in order to do this review. I told Dustin I'd review his ep, and I was really looking forward to doing so. I really love his music.
I came across Dustin Gamble's musical creations one year ago via the superpopularsoacialwebsite myspace...which really does come in handy when you want to discover some new music. This time was no different. I immediately liked what I heard. My favorite Dustin Gamble song to date is "Door". It meant something different to me when I first heard it, in comparison to now. However I am not here to discuss my favorite Dustin Gamble song, but rather his newest endeavor that I mentioned in the first paragraph, the Dustin Gamble EP.
It is a 6-song disc filled with lovely tunes. A lot of people consider his music to be "folk", though Dustin would say otherwise.
How do you describe your music as?
Dustin Gamble- I really have no idea. Pop music, probably? A lot of people refer to it as "folk," but I'm not sure if I fit in that very well (I don't write political songs, or story songs, which usually defines folk music). I tend to jump around a lot too. I listen to a lot of different music, so I hope that shows.
I love Fleet Foxes and J. Tillman's work, and I see that you do too. What is it about them/him that draws you to their music? How does this influence you with your own music?
Dustin Gamble- I'm kind of slightly obsessed with J. Tillman... I'm not sure why, but he's been one of the few things I can listen to over and over again without songs feeling old. "Long May You Run" is probably my favorite album of all time, which is strange because it was recorded entirely with one room mic, and it's just him and a guitar.
I guess I left the question. Uhm, I think everything tends to bleed into what anyone does. Whether they are experiences, music, family, a friend, whatever. It all what makes people who they are. So if I've got any Fleet Foxes or Tillman in me, I think I'd be fairing pretty well.
What are you up to these days?
Dustin Gamble- Uhm right now I'm just working a lot... I sometimes have a social life with real people who are not my cat (though he's pretty good company!).
I came across your music a year ago. Where do you hope to be in a year from now with your music?
Dustin Gamble- I'd like to just be playing, still. I don't make any money doing this, I think I probably spend a lot more just putting things out there for people. I guess just not losing money while doing this. That would be nice!
What is the song writing process like for you?
Dustin Gamble- A lot of times I have to tell myself to write a song, otherwise I'll start it and never finish. I usually just start with some chord progression, sing some words that don't work well together, and record it. Recording at home really makes things easier, because I like a lot of instruments and parts, and I'm usually a little heavy on layers. A lot of songs, as of late, have started with one or two chords played continuously, and then I'll add a bunch of other things on it. It's more fun than anything, and sometimes turns out pretty decent songs.
What has music done in your life?
Dustin Gamble- The biggest thing I can think of is all of the traveling. I've had the pleasure of touring around in my little car with friends, meeting new people, sharing the stage with a lot of really great musicians. It's been humbling and at times I want to quit because I feel so bad about my songs, but I try to think there's some reason I do it. Music has also kept me sane at times (and driven me crazy at other times). I'm not sure.
Is there anything you want people to know about you?
Dustin Gamble- I have a really hard time talking to people I don't know. So if you're at a show and I don't come up and say hello, it's not because I hate you or forgot that we've messaged on Myspace for the last 37 years, I just don't know what to say. I'm dumb like that...
What is your philosophy on life?
Dustin Gamble- I'm just trying to love people and learn things. I hope I'm doing okay in the first part.
What inspires you, as an artist?
Dustin Gamble- Usually it's a lot of things. Boredom, simple and mundane things like driving to work, eating dinner, sitting on my bed. People I meet tend to get me thinking. I recently met a new friend that has really made me think about how I spend my time, small things. I read a lot of books, which is always an inspiration. Uhm, the way people interact has always been interesting to me also. And I'd be lying if I didn't say relationships. I'm pretty sappy sometimes...
There you have it. A bit about Dustin Gamble...a humble guy from Missouri who likes to make music. The whole point of this post was to talk about his EP, which I didn't really do much explaining about. In my opinion, you can really notice embrace of Fleet Foxes, though Dustin completely makes the music all his own. All I ask of you is to listen. Your ears will thank you kindly.
For some lovely tunes, please visit:
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