Margot and the Nuclear So and So's have returned with two albums this time around; "Animal!" and "Not Animal". "Not Animal" is a collection of songs the label picked according to their tastes, and not so much Margot's. Another reason why I dislike major labels, but I won't rant any further on that topic right now. But, I guess the upside is, we get two albums. Even though, "Animal" will only be released digitially and on vinyl. I want the vinyl. Of course I want the vinyl. And then "Not Animal" will be released on an actual compact disc, so I have heard/read. Also available is the Day Trotter EP.
Anyway, back to "Animal!" and "Not Animal". A lot of the songs featured on either of these albums date back to some old demos that I posess, courtesy of
I've had these demos for nearly two years, and I love them dearly. Hearing the new versions of these demos sort of made me feel nostalgic (yet again) about the old demos. That always happens to me. A lot of them sound drastically different, but it is alright. I think that they were orchestrated well enough, except for the subtle lyric changes, which I didn't care for as much.
As far as the newer matertial goes, I enjoy it. It's classic Margot. Richard Edwards and company have this beautiful way of twisting emotions into just a few minutes of song. Much of their music is melancholic and beautiful and powerful all at the same time.
Right now, my favorite of the new material is "At the Carnival". I watched their Lollapalooza webcast, and I couldn't get that song out of my head when I heard it. It is eerie, but wonderful. I need better adjectives.
Both albums come out tomorrow. You can stream "Animal!" here;
stream hereTheir 2006 debut, "The Dust Of Retreat" remains as one of my favorite albums of all time. Check that out, too.
On a completely unrelated note;
The dates for Coachella 2009 have been announced. I am pleased that it will fall during my spring break, thus allowing me to not miss any class. I am excited for next year, and I can't wait to see who will be playing.