Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I wanted to share a bit about a radio station that you may or may not be familiar called KUCI, which broadcasts from the University of California- Irvine. I grew up with this station, and I'm glad to see that it's still going, staying true to it's foundations.

You can always hear something interesting on KUCI. One show in particular that I enjoy is Sweater Weather, which broadcasts every Wednesday from 3-5 p.m. Pacific.

It's the last good thing about radio in Orange County. No mainstream rubbish, and discussion topics that actually expand your mind!? Now that's what I call good radio.

So, if you find yourself within the geographic area of Orange County, California and you're in an automobile, turn the dial to 88.9 FM.

If you're not in Orange County/not in a car that is driving through Orange County, but still feel the need to listen to KUCI while you're at home, you may do so by streaming online at

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