I present to you (some of) my favorite albums of the past ten years, in order of the year in which each album was released.
Radiohead / Kid A (2000)

Wilco / Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (2002)

Sufjan Stevens / Michigan (2003)

Death Cab for Cutie / Transatlanticism (2003)

Arcade Fire / Funeral (2004)

Sufjan Stevens / Illinois (2005)

Bright Eyes / I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning (2005)

Margot and the Nuclear So and So's / The Dust of Retreat (2006)

M. Ward / Post-War (2006)
Snowden / Anti-Anti (2006)

Panda Bear / Person Pitch (2007)

Radiohead / In Rainbows (2007)

Berlin Whale / Berlin Whale (2007)

Of Montreal / Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer? (2007)

That Ghost / Young Fridays (2008)